Provider Support

Health Information
Exchange Adoption
& Utilization

We can help you navigate the landscape of HIE and assist you to connect to the SHIN-NY using your EHR Contact Us

Working with providers, the SHIN-NY’s Qualified Entities (QEs), and EHR vendors to solve provider issues and understand Health Information Exchange (HIE) workflows is a key area of NYeC’s provider assistance portfolio.

NYeC has led and administered programs on behalf of the New York State Department of Health (DOH) to support provider connection to the SHIN-NY.

In addition, NYeC offers customized toolkits that explain how to navigate the landscape of HIE and work with the QEs to help healthcare professionals connect to the SHIN-NY using their EHR. Experienced in EHR optimization, NYeC can can further assist healthcare professionals with adopting best practices, efficient workflows, and bidirectional exchange.

If you, your practice, or your organization could benefit from help in these areas, contact us and we would be happy to discuss your needs and potential solutions.

The DEIP Program was the catalyst New Dimensions in Health Care needed to maximize our efforts. The incentive was the means to offset expenses for staff, providers, and consultants for this project. Our patients are truly the beneficiaries of this wonderful exercise.
Dennis Yacobucci, Director, New Dimensions in Health Care
DEIP funding allowed Trinity Alliance to afford the necessary technology and software to move to electronic case documentation and provider connectivity, increasing timely and efficient consumer/patient quality of care and outcomes.
Harris Oberlander, CEO, Trinity Alliance of the Capital Region

The Data Exchange Incentive Program (DEIP) & SHIN-NY Connections Initiative (SCI)

The New York State Department of Health (DOH), with support from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), established the Data Exchange Incentive Program (DEIP) to increase HIE adoption across the state for Medicaid providers in 2014. This program benefitted over 1,200 organizations in connecting to the SHIN-NY across a broad range of sectors, including meaningful use eligible providers, behavioral health organizations, long-term care providers, clinics, EMS agencies, pharmacies, and more.

In 2018, DOH launched an identical program to support NYS Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) providers, the SHIN-NY Connections Initiative (SCI).

Participating providers and organizations in both programs have been incentivized to contribute a pre-defined set of data elements to the SHIN-NY through a QE. The funds help defray the costs associated with connecting to a QE, typically presented by the EHR.

These programs directly supported the SHIN-NY reaching a critical mass of participants, with more than 100,000 healthcare professionals connected across New York State.