NY Care Information Gateway Opens Access to Providers for Minor Patient Data

NYCIG’s participating providers are now able to access data securely through the clinical viewer for minor patients 10–17 years of age (excluding SAMHSA data). This expansion of access is in direct response to a change in New York State policy that went into effect in March of 2016. 

Previously, with affirmative consent on file from a parent or legal guardian, it was permissible for providers to access data for children from birth until the age of 10. With this new policy change, the consent window opens to include seven more years (birth to 17 years of age). At the age of 18, the child’s consent value on the NYCIG platform defaults back to a value of “no consent” so that they can provide a consent decision for themselves. All New York State Qualified Entities (QEs), includingNYCIG, had until March of 2018 to make the necessary changes to their platforms to accommodate these policy changes to allow for the opened flow of data of minors. 

Read more.

(Source: NYCIG)