Hixny Contributes to Lower Readmission Rates in ED’s

Earlier this year, Dr. Daniel Silverman, Chief Medical Officer for Acute Care-Troy for St. Peter’s Health Partners, decided it was time for a “restart” on the use of Hixny in his organization.

Providers at Samaritan and St. Mary’s Hospitals, which make up Acute-Care Troy, had access to Hixny for some time, but use was spotty because providers did not see how it fit into their workflow. So Hixny Account Manager Tavia Rauch did a simple demonstration of Hixny’s value, and provided training to 78 people.

Within a few months, use of Hixny in the hospitals had increased 23 percent. It is used regularly in the emergency department, where Medical Director Dr. John Janikas said it is changing the way care decisions are made. It is part of the workflow for care managers and hospitalists, who say it is making them more efficient.

“Before we had to wait sometimes 3, 4, 5 hours to get health records on a patient,” said Dan Marra, a Nurse Practioner Hospitalist at Samaritan. “For patients who participate in Hixny, we are able to eliminate the gap almost completely.”

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(Source: Hixny)