DSRIP In Action: SCC Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting Highlights

On March 21, 2017, the SCC held its first Project Advisory Committee (PAC) meeting of the year. Over 250 members attended the meeting to hear updates on DSRIP program progress and performance. Each meeting the SCC invites speakers to present on important topics and provide pertinent updates to DSRIP and Population Health related initiatives. At the meeting, Val Gray, Executive Director for the New York eHealth Collaborative (NYeC), gave an in-depth presentation on the “State of the SHIN-NY Strategic Planning Update.” Her update consisted of SCC project milestones that included SHIN-NY requirements, progress of statewide adoption and utilization, as well as the strategy and timelines and proposed long-term objectives for SHIN-NY and NYeC.

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(Source: Suffolk Care Collaborative)