Final State Budget Continues Investment in Health Information Exchange, Advancing Healthcare Transformation

MEDIA CONTACT: Melissa Mansfield, 518-339-7769,

Final State Budget Continues Investment in Health Information Exchange, Advancing Healthcare Transformation

ALBANY, NY – The New York eHealth Collaborative (NYeC) praised the newly adopted 2018-19 New York State Budget for supporting healthcare transformation through health information exchange and including key funding for the Statewide Health Information Network of New York (SHIN-NY).

The SHIN-NY connects the state’s eight regional health information exchanges, or Qualified Entities, allowing participating healthcare providers, with patient consent, to access and share key data and medical records for their patients.

“The New York eHealth Collaborative thanks Governor Cuomo and the Legislature for their continued investment in healthcare information exchange in the 2018-19 final budget,” said Valerie Grey, Executive Director of NYeC. “This critical, sustained support allows for the advancement of the Statewide Health Information Network for New York and its growing role in improving patient outcomes and experiences. By allowing providers to coordinate care at unprecedented levels, the network reduces costs for patients, providers, health plans, and taxpayers.”

The eight Qualified Entities that are connected by and comprise the SHIN-NY include: Bronx RHIO, HealtheConnections, HEALTHeLINK, Healthix, HealthlinkNY, Hixny, NYCIG, and Rochester RHIO. To learn more about the SHIN-NY, visit


About the New York eHealth Collaborative (NYeC)
NYeC is a nonprofit organization working in partnership with the New York State Department of Health to improve healthcare by collaboratively leading, connecting, and integrating health information exchange across the state.